Tuesday, 15 January 2013

AHU Monitoring

Air Handling Units

The circulation of air around a building is integral in the sufficient air conditioning, ventilating and heating of the peoples within said structure. To ensure that these processes are achieved, the usage of an AHU is a must.

In the proper care and maintenance of this unit (the Air Handling Unit) AHU monitoring is a necessary requirement. This monitoring is also a necessity to ensure that the air exuded by the machine is of the required temperature for the environment into which the unit is placed.


The AHU, that AHU monitoring is essential to maintain and upkeep, is typically comprised of a sizeable metal unit that contains either a blower or a fan. This blower and/or fan circulates steam, hot water and/or air.

For more information about AHU monitoring, including equipment, properties and uses for the AHU, click here

The entirety of the complex minutiae of the innards of the AHU, including all assembly, possess removable panels to allow engineers access. This ensures that the unit can be repaired if it is deemed unsafe or not working.


By carrying out AHU monitoring, it ensures that any problems incurred within the system is identified as quickly as is possible. This ensures that the reparations are as cost effective as possible.

One of the methods by which the process can be carried out is through the application of 4-20mA sensors to the shafts and bearings of the AHU. These vibration monitoring practises are then output to a PLC where the information can be monitored.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance processes are wholly and entirely beneficial to the equipment which it is being utilised to repair. This is due to the maintenance being able to be planned and, therefore, ensured to be more efficient.

Some of these benefits are;
  • Safer practises
  • More cost effective
  • Ensures longer lasting equipment